Rooted, Growing, and Branching Out in God's Love

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-May 23, 2021

Dear St. John’s Friends and Family,

We hear Christ’s command to love one another.  It sounds so simple, yet it is one of the most challenging commands we have.  There are days when I want to retreat from the world, not for solitude with God or for personal growth, but to escape from the pain of what it means to live life in community.  It is in community that we receive the greatest joys in life. In community, we express friendship, loyalty and shared experiences.  And it is in community that we taste betrayal, disappointment and rejection.  In the mix of the joy and sorrow of what it means to live with one another, we are to love one another as Christ has loved us.  Christ is our ultimate revelation of God’s love. How do we love like that?  How do we love like Jesus? 

Again, we will go back to the image of the tree and the root system.  The root system is so very important to the vitality of the tree.  When we think of our own spiritual wellbeing, we are to be rooted in God’s love.  In today’s scripture, we find that Jesus also uses the image of a plant.  He tells us that he is the vine and we are the branches.  He invites us to abide in him and he will abide in him.  We can do nothing without this connection.  It is here that he urges us to love one another.  Only when we are abiding in Christ, deeply rooted in God’s love, are we able to love one another as we should.  This is our challenge.  This is God’s desire for us. 

As we enter into worship, may our roots be nourished enough to grow a little deeper than they were yesterday.  As Christ’s words challenge us, may the Holy Spirit motivate us to accept the challenge.  Let us be changed as we worship together in the presence of God.  Come Lord Jesus and stir our hearts to love you more!

Grace and peace,
Pastor Stephanie Hughes