Rooted, Growing, and Branching Out in God's Love

Worship (Page 52)

Palm Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-March 28, 2021

Dear St. John’s friends and family, Today we celebrate Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem. Palms were waved in joy and gladness and coats were laid down in Christ’s path as homage to a king. Yet, the celebration didn’t last long. The cheers of joy that went up that day turned to malice and anger later in…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-March 21, 2021

Dear St. John’s Friends and Family, It’s so hard to stay focused on the moment when we are constantly anticipating what is to come. We are still in the season of Lent, yet we are probably getting ready for Easter with the purchases of Easter eggs and decadent chocolate bunnies. Don’t push into Easter celebration…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-March 14, 2021

Dear St. John’s friends and family,When we travel through the season of Lent with open honesty about ourselves, we can truly see how much we need Jesus and be grateful for his saving work on the cross. This painful self-reflection isn’t to beat ourselves up over our sin and mistakes, but it is to lead…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-March 7, 2021

Dear St. John’s Friends and Family, As we move through this season of Lent we continue to practice self-reflection while following Jesus to the cross. Today we stand in the shadows as he prays in desperation. The enemy is coming. If you were in the garden that night, what would you have done as the…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-February 28, 2021

Dear St. John’s friends and family, We launched a program called Bible in 90 days on February 18th. We are now into our 2nd week. I have so enjoyed hearing the stories of so many that are devoted to reading their Bible every day. Many are rearranging their schedules and giving up leisure time to…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-February 21, 2021

Dear St. John’s friends and family, Today marks the first Sunday of Lent. The Lenten season is a time of self-reflection mixed with an intense focus on Christ’s journey to the cross. This is the time we honestly admit our shortcomings, sins, and brokenness so that we remember how much we need a Savior. Only…

Sunday Worship–Virtual Service June 7, 2020

Greetings St John’s Friends and Family, Today we start at new sermon series that will be based on a variety of stories. Some of theses stories will be familiar and some not so familiar. Each week we will have a children’s story paired with a Biblical narrative. This week, we’ll hear about two kings that…

Sunday Worship–Virtual Worship May 31, 2020

Dear St. John’s Family and Friends, Before you enter into worship today, I want to share with you that the sermon was recorded on Wednesday evening. For that reason, the sermon does not adequately reflect current events that have taken place late in the week. So, there are a few thoughts that have been heavy…

Sunday Worship–Virtual Worship May 24, 2020

Dear friends and family of St. John’s, It is Sunday morning and Memorial Day weekend. I encourage you this morning to take a moment to remember the men and women that have served this country with honor and courage through the generations. They leave us with a great legacy we know as freedom that came…

Sunday Worship–Virtual Church May 17, 2020

Dear friends and family of St John’s, We come to another Sunday and we are still worshiping apart. I continue to miss you and our time spent together in the sanctuary on Sundays. This Pandemic is changing the way we do things. Change happens. While we are in this liminal space, the space between what…