Rooted, Growing, and Branching Out in God's Love

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-September 26, 2021

Dear St. John’s friends and family,

We aren’t the first people to feel like the world is going to end. The people of the Bible felt like that after the resurrection. They were pretty sure Jesus was going to come right back. Living in a fallen broken world is stressful. And whenever we are stressed out, we aren’t our best self. We are short on patience and compassion. Yet, we hear God’s command to love our neighbor, show hospitality to the stranger and love our enemy. Today’s scripture reminds us of what we forget to do when we get overwhelmed and very little feels right with the world. The scripture reminds us to stay true to what God commands. So, we should probably figure out how to show kindness when we are anxious and short on grace.

So that you can fully engage in the worship service and follow along, you can find the bulletin here: The bulletin has the order of worship, listed mission opportunities, and reflection questions to help you go deeper in your own thoughts about what you just heard.

Today is a great day to worship and praise God with all our hearts, mind, and strength. God is with you and there is hope!
Grace and peace,
Pastor Stephanie

Click this link to view the YouTube service: