Rooted, Growing, and Branching Out in God's Love

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-March 7, 2021

Dear St. John’s Friends and Family,

As we move through this season of Lent we continue to practice self-reflection while following Jesus to the cross. Today we stand in the shadows as he prays in desperation. The enemy is coming. If you were in the garden that night, what would you have done as the enemy approached?  Maybe we could run?  Or stand there powerless?  There is nothing we can do.

There is nothing to be done. Christ has done it all in full measure. Today is the first Sunday of the month. A day we usually come together to celebrate Holy communion. And those of you that have been worshipping online have missed partaking of the bread and cup. Again, you are invited to come to St. John’s to partake of the Lord’s table throughout the week. Or call the office and Rev. Cindy or I will bring the communion elements to you.

As we enter into worship, we recognize our need for grace. We recognize our need for peace. We recognize our need to be loved and to belong. God offers all of this through Christ our savior. Turn your eyes upon Jesus and give God the glory!

Grace and peace,
Pastor Stephanie

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