Rooted, Growing, and Branching Out in God's Love

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-February 28, 2021

Dear St. John’s friends and family,

We launched a program called Bible in 90 days on February 18th. We are now into our 2nd week. I have so enjoyed hearing the stories of so many that are devoted to reading their Bible every day. Many are rearranging their schedules and giving up leisure time to accomplish their goal of reading the Bible in 90 days. I am so proud of all who are participating. If you aren’t following the reading plan for Bible in 90 Days, will you set aside a time to read every day from now on through Easter?  Wouldn’t it be awesome if everyone connected to St. John’s committed to reading the Bible every day until Easter Sunday?

This Sunday, we take a closer look at the betrayal of Judas. Betrayal is painful. What causes people to betray someone they love?  Why did Judas do it? 

Why do we do some of the awful things we do?  It is here we find that we need a savior. We cannot justify or make ourselves right before God. As we take a closer look at Judas, let us take a closer look at ourselves. Let’s dare not sit in judgment over Judas.  Let’s try to be honest with our own moments of betrayal. As we look within ourselves, may we find Christ at work in our souls!

Let’s turn our eyes upon Jesus! Let’s give God the glory and surrender to God’s holy presence.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Stephanie

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