Rooted, Growing, and Branching Out in God's Love

Virtual Church – Maundy Thursday

Dear St. John’s family,

This evening we remember Jesus’ last meal with his disciples and we reflect what it means to gather around his table. This worship service is experiential, so there will be some things that you will need to gather beforehand.

Please prepare the following items before clicking on the link:
A bowl of warm water and some hand towels
A meal or snack for your family plus beverages
There will be opportunity during the service to participate. Please feel free to pause the video for participation and then resume the video when you are ready. On this night when Jesus gathered with his friends for a meal, we hope that you will feel a sense of community even though we are apart. Rev. Cindy, the staff and I miss you and look forward to being able to worship in the sanctuary together with you soon!

Pastor Stephanie