Rooted, Growing, and Branching Out in God's Love

Friday Devotions–April 24, 2020

Thanks to Joyce Shanks for sharing this devotion with our St. John’s family. We hope to share a devotion written by someone in our congregation each Friday.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Clearly when I started my Lenten journal of gratitude, I had no idea I would ever share it with anyone. However, I am a willing witness to the goodness of God; and as soon as I heard the request, the Holy Spirit began nudging me. There is no way to rest then.”

Some days I was in the wilderness with Jesus and some in the garden. With Jesus in my heart, my days go by very quick but usually full of joy. Life is so interesting when we walk in expectation of God’s plan for us.

Starting on February 24, 2020 you will see how simple the joy by having warm air in the morning. (Growing up in South Dakota, I’m still looking for warmth.) You will see what a simple, humble life I live and how God can bring exciting surprises into our path.

You may think, “Joyce is retired. What’s so exciting?” The little things in life are what keep me going. Trusting in Jesus makes every day bearable, especially in a pandemic! God is never more than one thought away.

Joyce White Shanks


2.24 warm air in morning
2.25 friends at Bible study
2.26 my tv
2.27 a good night’s sleep
2.28 Joyce Meyer’s ministry
2.29 my sewing hobby
3.1 education
3.2 coffee
3.3 my health, 2 daughters
3.4 insurance
3.5 my check and new card came
3.6 my driveway got cleaned
3.7 my car
3.8 my home and family
3.9 my Sunday School class study
3.10 my friends at OES
3.11 granddaughter at COM
3.12 Shanks family
3.13 library work
3.14 Kiera at the bank
3.15 son’s call and visit
3.16 my neighbor
3.17 unexpected check
3.18 texts from family
3.19 my piano, bananas
3.20 haircut
3.21 happy I have comfort in quarantine
3.22 text from grandson
3.23 gardening
3.24 saw family
3.25 newspaper puzzles
3.26 my neighbors
3.27 air conditioning in quilt room
3.28 not ill with the coronavirus
3.29 plenty of food
3.30 virtual worship on Sunday
3.31 Christ died for my salvation
4.1 my son installed a new water heater
4.2 grandson planted an orange tree
4.3 2 flowers bloomed on Angel plant
4.4 rain finally
4.5 granddaughter called
4.6 making quilts
4.7 aspirin helped knee pain
4.8 memories of trip to Israel
4.9 pressure restored in shower
4.10 people making masks and delivering
4.11 blueberry pancakes
4.12 Easter—my sons—thankful for Jesus