Join us for worship on Sunday–In-person or on our livestream on YouTube
You have several ways to worship with our St. John’s faith community. You can worship in person in the sanctuary at 9:30am or 11am. You can also participate in online worship on our YouTube channel. Choose the worship time and place that works best for you and join us in person or from your favorite device as we celebrate the goodness and graciousness of God.
Sunday Morning Worship in our sanctuary at 9:30 AM & 11:00 AM
We come together to glorify God through music, prayers, scripture readings, and sermons. Choose the worship style or worship time that works best for you.
9:30 AM Contemporary Worship led by our praise band featuring vocalists, guitar, keyboard, and drums
11:00 AM Traditional Worship led by our chancel choir featuring choral music, hymns, organ and piano
Children of all ages are welcome in our sanctuary. For children from birth to age 5, safe and loving nursery care is provided throughout both services. We offer a children’s time in our 9:30 am worship service. After the children’s time, children will be invited to Sunday School in the Treehouse.
Sunday Worship on YouTube
For those that prefer or need to continue to worship at home, we are livestreaming our worship services on our YouTube channel HERE. You can find the direct link for the current worship service on the homepage of this website or our Facebook page.
Download the bulletin for this Sunday’s worship service here: 03.23.25 Worship Bulletin