For more information about the youth group, contact Pastor Stephanie at
Youth Group for 5th-8th Graders
This group will meet twice a month on Sundays. Please take close attention to the dates! This spring we will be getting familiar with our Bible. The curriculum is 8 sessions long. During that time, they will learn the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of the Bible! We’ll talk about who wrote all those books? If the Bible is one book, why does it have all these books inside of it? When were these books written? Where were they written? Why should we study the Bible and how?
We will meet from 4-5:30 on Sundays:
January 19: Session 1 – Who? Author and Audience
January 26: Session 2 – What? Genre
February 9: Session 3 – When? Context
February 23: Session 4 – Where? Geography
March 9: Session 5 – Why – Interpretation
March 23: Session 6 – How? Read Closely
April 6: Session 7 – How? Reread
April 27: Session 8 – How? Read Together
Sunday School Class for 5th-9th Graders
We offer a Sunday school class for 5th-9th graders during the 9:30-10:30am hour on Sundays. This class will be led by Alex. Just like the Treehouse Kids, these youth will stay in the 9:30 worship service until after the children’s moment. Then they will move to youth room for Sunday school. For more information about this new Sunday School, contact Pastor Stephanie.
Youth Bible Study (8th-12th graders)
Youth are meeting every Wednesday at 5PM at the church for bible study. Currently, they are working through the Wesley Challenge–21 Days to a More Authentic Faith. Pastor Stephanie is leading this study.
Midwinter Camp at Lakeview/February 14-16/Grades 6-12
Midwinter Camp at Lakeview is February 14-16. All 6th-12th graders can go. The cost is $150. You only pay $10 at registration, fill out the scholarship form at the end of the registration process. Register HERE. Mid-Winter Camp is the ultimate weekend retreat for youth, packed with the excitement of summer camp – but with a cooler twist! This February experience combines thrilling activities like polar plunges and quad zip-lining with powerful worship sessions that foster spiritual growth and group connection.
It’s like summer camp… only cooler!
Pancake Supper Fundraiser/March 4
This is our annual youth fundraiser that raises scholarship for UMArmy and summer camp. Only those that participate in the fundraiser will receive the scholarship. Scholarship will go to UMArmy first and then to Summer Camp.
UMArmy/June 8-14
The cost is $300 per student and is for 6th-12th grade. This is our big mission event over the summer and it is a blast! Your student will not want to miss out! We need to reserve our space this month. UMArmy books up fast! So, we need to RSVP our spots as soon as possible. Please, let me know whether your student is going by January 23 to reserve their spot. Money will not be due until the beginning of June. Only those attending UMArmy will be eligible to attend Summer Camp. You may be wondering why this decision was made. What kids learn at camp and UMArmy are very similar. They both include worship, games, lots of fun and fuel a commitment to Jesus, What UMArmy provides above camp is teaching our youth about courage, by stepping out of their comfort zone, compassion for those they are helping, life skills through the work of their hands. They learn what it means to give beyond themselves and that it is an unexplainable blessing when they do this. And they leave UMArmy with a new found confidence. The family ministry team felt that the UMArmy experience and these lessons were extremely important, so UMArmy will be our priority during the summer. Because they are not old enough for UMArmy, our 3rd through 5th grade is exempt and can still attend summer camp.
Summer Camp/June 23-27/Lakeview Methodist Conference Center
Summer Camp at Lakeview will be June 23-27 and cost is $395. Church camp is for 3rd-12th grade. You can find out more HERE.