Rooted, Growing, and Branching Out in God's Love

A Place to Serve

There are so many ways to offer your time, talents, and gifts to serve others. We are excited about opening our sanctuary again for in-person worship. Consider becoming part of our hospitality team on Sunday Morning. We also have serving opportunities to care for our congregation. For more information about any of these opportunities, contact Rev. Cindy Riddick at

Sunday Morning Hospitality Team

Persons serving in this ministry would greet people at the front doors and direct people inside. They would  answer general questions and point out bathroom facilities and nursery.

Welcome Center
Persons serving in this ministry would be stationed at the Welcome Center to greet people as they walk into the sanctuary. They would also be stationed at the Welcome Center at the close of the worship service to offer first time guests a gift bag.

Persons serving in this ministry would assist in the smooth flow of the worship service. They would assist people to find their seats. They would also help with offering and communion.

Communion Servers
Persons serving in this ministry would assist in serving communion on the first Sunday of every month.

Hospitality kitchen team
Persons serving in this ministry would help serve coffee and sweet treats during the fellowship time in between the Sunday morning services.

Congregational Care

Care Groups
Our church staff continues to check on our congregation through texts, phone calls, Facebook, and email. We would like to add another layer of contact by forming care groups. The purpose of these groups would be check on families by phone, text, or email. We would also use these care groups to communicate needs or concerns to the church office and pastor. If you would like to be a care group leader, contact Cindy Riddick.

Prayer Team
If you would like to be included in the group that prays for the needs of the congregation, contact Cindy Riddick.

Birthday Card Ministry
Every month, we send birthday cards to members of St. John’s to celebrate their special day and remind them of our love and care. If you would like to be a part of this ministry of love, contact Cindy Riddick at The church office will supply the list of names, birthdates, and stamps.

Bereavement Meals
When someone experiences a death in their family, we want to offer our love and a meal before or after the funeral. If you would like to help either prepare a portion of the meal or help serve, contact Pam Scoggin at to volunteer. She will contact you when a meal is needed.


If you love to sing or play an instrument, consider these opportunities to serve.
The Chancel Choir sings for the worship service at 11 AM. If you love to sing, you are welcome to join this fun-loving group. No audition required. For more information about the bells or choir, contact Dr. James Heffel at
The Praise Band leads worship on Sundays at 9:30 AM. The praise team is always looking for vocalists and instrument players who have a heart for worship and can commit to regular rehearsals and Sunday morning. If you would like more info about serving on the praise team, contact Azzi Jerice at

Media Ministry
Today’s worship services would not be possible without the services of people who are behind the scenes on media and sound. People serving in this area provide the sound and slides for worship each Sunday. We are also livestreaming our service and need people who can operate the cameras. If you love computers and electronics, consider serving in this ministry. We will provide training so you will be comfortable with the media. Contact David McKnight at for more info.