Do you struggle with your finances? Would you like to develop better habits for handling your money? Join David and Christie McKnight as they lead this 9-week class in Financial Peace University. This class is specifically offered to adults ages 18-25. The class is $79 a person. Scholarships available. Signup today HERE! For more information, contact David…
Join us for some family fun on Halloween! As your kids cruise our parking lot gathering candy and treats from the decorated car trunks, you get to vote for your favorite one! There will be plenty of music, candy, and treats!
Join this group of women as they read and discuss Adam Hamilton’s The Journey. You will learn about Mary and Joseph’s journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem and all the stories that surround the birth of Jesus. Robin Bartholomew will lead the study. The book is $4. The group will meet in the Youth Room at…
Everyone is invited to the Board of Stewards meeting on October 11. We use the One Board model for church leadership and decision-making. There is a chair of the board, plus a chair of Staff/Parish Relations, Trustees, and Finance. The at-large board members participate in all discussions of finance, SPR, and trustees. The one board…
Join us as we celebrate fall with a craft show. There will be vendors, crafts, baked goods, and lunch (hot dogs, chips, and a drink). For more information, contact Robin Bartholomew at Vendors, please contact Kim Bourgeois at
Everyone is invited to the Board of Stewards meeting on September 18. We use the One Board model for church leadership and decision-making. There is a chair of the board, plus a chair of Staff/Parish Relations, Trustees, and Finance. The at-large board members participate in all discussions of finance, SPR, and trustees. The one board…
Join us for an “end of summer/back to school” swim party at Vicky Mills’ house. Come for the fun, the food, and the fellowship.
Everyone is invited to the Board of Stewards meeting on August 7. We use the One Board model for church leadership and decision-making. There is a chair of the board, plus a chair of Staff/Parish Relations, Trustees, and Finance. The at-large board members participate in all discussions of finance, SPR, and trustees. The one board…
Bring a pillow and blanket Bring a snack or drink to share Bring a friend!
Who is up for two days of adventure?This will not be an overnight event. Instead, we will gather at St. John’s on August 4 and August 5 and head towards our destination.Hints will be given out when it gets closer!Cost is $50.00 for one day. $100 for both days