It’s time to meet your prayer partner! The Prayer Partner Reveal will be on May 25 at 10AM! It is a time of thanksgiving for all that committed to pray throughout the year. It’s also a time of rejoicing as youth and young adults meet their partner that has been praying for them daily. Contact…
Servolution will be on Saturday, May 4 this year. On this day we will once again have an opportunity to bless our communities by serving with other churches in a variety of ways. The Servolution churches are meeting to plan the projects that we will do on the first Saturday of May. Save the date…
The College of the Mainland Vocal Arts Department under the direction of Dr. James Heffel will present their Spring concert Friday, April 26 at 7:30 P.M. here at St. John’s UMC in the sanctuary. The Mainland Chorale will be putting on one of their excellent shows. Undercover A Cappella is the special guest. Free admission.
Everyone is invited to the Board of Stewards meeting on April 18. We use the One Board model for church leadership and decision-making. There is a chair of the board, plus a chair of Staff/Parish Relations, Trustees, and Finance. The at-large board members participate in all discussions of finance, SPR, and trustees. The one board…
Celebrate the Lord’s resurrection with St. John’s this Easter. Join us as we worship, share in Holy Communion, and confirm our young people in the faith. The worship services will be identical, filled with both contemporary and traditional music. Join us and invite your friends and family to come with you for a time of…
Celebrate the Lord’s resurrection with St. John’s this Easter. Join us as we worship, share in Holy Communion, and confirm our young people in the faith. The worship services will be identical, filled with both contemporary and traditional music. We will have special activities for the children in the Treehouse. Join us and invite your…
Agape meals are opportunities for the church family to gather for fellowship and to share the good things that God has done. Come for an evening of food, fellowship, sharing, and worship. As part of the evening’s service, we will celebrate Holy Communion.
After the Palm Sunday worship service, stay for a potluck fellowship lunch. Everyone can contribute to the lunch. Drinks and dessert will be provided. To make sure that we have a variety of dishes, please bring food according to the first letter of your last name:A-H Salad or Vegetable side dishI-Q Main DishR-Z Dessert
Worship at 10:30 AMOn Palm Sunday, we will have a single worship service at 10:30 AM. Join us as we begin with a procession of waving palms. There will be a special children’s moment and then lots of activities for the children in the Treehouse. Worship will continue as we enjoy the Chancel Choir’s presentation…