Rooted, Growing, and Branching Out in God's Love

Agape Dinner

As we gather for this Agape meal, we are continuing the tradition begun centuries ago by the Moravian church. Influenced by the Moravians, early Methodists also held Agape meals to celebrate the goodness of God. Agape dinners are opportunities for the church family to gather for fellowship and to share the good things that God…

Annual Charge Conference

Every year, St. John’s gathers to celebrate the past year, honor and remember the saints who have passed, and conduct the business of the church. This year, we will join other UMC churches in the Southeast District at Aldersgate UMC in Santa Fe. Everyone is invited to this meeting.

Board of Stewards Meeting

Everyone is invited to the Board of Stewards meeting on August 29. We use the One Board model for church leadership and decision-making. There is a chair of the board, plus a chair of Staff/Parish Relations, Trustees, and Finance. The at-large board members participate in all discussions of finance, SPR, and trustees. The one board…

Women’s Bible Study

Join this women’s group as they study the women of the Bible. As you study the stories of these women, you will discover how your life intersects with theirs. This group will meet in the Youth Room and Robin Bartholomew will lead. Books are $12. Sign up in the foyer or just come on September…

Bible Study: Bible Stories for Grown-Ups

Join this group as we look at familiar Bible stories and discover new details and interpretations to consider. This is 6-week DVD based study that will be led by Rev. Cindy Riddick. Books are $14. There will be an option to participate online. Sign up in the church foyer or contact

Cottage Meeting

Join us we meet in small groups to discuss the next steps for St. John’s. Pastor Stephanie will be leading each meeting to ask the church to begin to discern what God wants us to know, how God wants us to grow, and where God wants us to go. We will build on our tree…

Cottage Meeting/St. John’s Cafe

Join us we meet in small groups to discuss the next steps for St. John’s. Pastor Stephanie will be leading each meeting to ask the church to begin to discern what God wants us to know, how God wants us to grow, and where God wants us to go. We will build on our tree…

Cottage Meeting

Join us we meet in small groups to discuss the next steps for St. John’s. Pastor Stephanie will be leading each meeting to ask the church to begin to discern what God wants us to know, how God wants us to grow, and where God wants us to go. We will build on our tree…

Cottage Meeting

Join us we meet in small groups to discuss the next steps for St. John’s. Pastor Stephanie will be leading each meeting to ask the church to begin to discern what God wants us to know, how God wants us to grow, and where God wants us to go. We will build on our tree…