Join Rev. Stephanie Hughes as she leads a book discussion on Nathan Foster’s book, The Making of an Ordinary Saint: My Journey from Frustration to Joy with the Spiritual Disciplines. This discussion will be in person. If you would like to participate on Zoom, the Zoom gathering for this book will be on August 18. For…
Pastor Stephanie is excited to be working with our youth! She has lots of plans for the coming year! She is inviting youth and their families to an informal gathering to hear those plans and generate even more ideas. She looks forward to seeing you in the Sanctuary at 4pm this Sunday.
Stay after the worship service for lunch and fellowship. We’ll provide fried & grilled chicken and drinks. You bring a side or a dessert. Based on the first letter of your last name, please bring a dish to share: A-H side dishI-Q saladR-Z dessert We’ll have a chance to visit with each other over lunch…
Join us as we worship together on this fifth Sunday in July. To wrap up VBS Week, we are inviting our VBS kids to lead us in a couple of their favorite songs. We will sing and pray and hear a message from our pastor, Rev. Stephanie Hughes. We would love for you to come…
Join the VBS kids as they sing and celebrate our VBS adventure–Knights of North Castle. Parents and grandparents and the whole church family are invited to this celebration. Cookies and punch will be served at the end of the program.
JOIN US AT ST. JOHN’S UMC Registration is open for VBS!!! You can register your child here: July 25th-29th 8:45am-12:00pm Join the Quest for the King’s Armor….. Register today ages 4 years old through 5th grade Volunteers register here:
Join Rev. Stephanie Hughes as she leads a book discussion on Bruce Feiler’s book, Where God Was Born: A Daring Adventure Through the Bible’s Greatest Stories. This discussion will be on Zoom. For a Zoom invitation, contact the church office or Rev. Hughes at
If you are planning to work with children or youth or vulnerable adults at the church, then you must submit to a background check and attend Safe Sanctuary training.
If you are volunteering for next week’s VBS, then please attend this training for all volunteers. Safe Sanctuary training will be included. We can also use help decorating the church and preparing the rooms for our exciting Knights of the North Castle VBS.
If you have attended an Emmaus Walk Weekend or a Chrysalis Weekend, you are part of the Fourth Day Emmaus group. The Fourth Day group of St. John’s will be gathering for a Mexican Fiesta potluck and an opportunity to celebrate and fellowship with each other.