Join us this fall as we go deep into the study of Genesis and Exodus. The study is 12 weeks long. There are group discussions and videos and individual reading assignments of 3-5 chapters each day. Study guides are $13. This study will be held at the church and led by Rev. Cindy Riddick. Contact the…
Join us for an ornament and glass painting party. Your $5.00 fee will cover painting 2 items (ornament or glass), paint, and supplies. Mechelle Alvarado will offer painting tips. Come and enjoy cookies and hot cocoa, fellowship, and fun!! Let Ingrid Clark know you are coming by emailing her at or sign up in…
Every year, St. John’s gathers to celebrate the past year, honor and remember the saints who have passed, and conduct the business of the church. Please join us in the sanctuary on Sunday, November 6 for our annual charge conference. We will be having our charge conference jointly with other churches in our HUB. For…
Join us for some family fun on Halloween! As your kids cruise our parking lot gathering candy and treats from the decorated car trunks, you get to vote for your favorite one! There will be plenty of music, candy, and treats!
Join us as we celebrate fall with a craft show. Vendors of all kinds will be selling their crafts. We will gather for some food and fellowship. For more information, contact Robin Bartholomew at
In our effort to encourage our church family to find ways to be part of the ministry of St. John’s, we would like to invite you to an informational gathering about making St. John’s part of your legacy giving. Legacy gifts are gifts that you plan to give from your estate through a designation in…
Join the rest of the youth from the South District at a youth event at Friendswood UMC. Contact Rev. Stephanie Hughes for more details at
Everyone is invited to the Board of Stewards meeting on September 13. We use the One Board model for church leadership and decision-making. There is a chair of the board, plus a chair of Staff/Parish Relations, Trustees, and Finance. The at-large board members participate in all discussions of finance, SPR, and trustees. The one board…
Sun, Surf and Sand: The UMYF will be visiting the Texas City Dike and the Snow Cone Place this Sunday. We will meet at the church at 3:30 and head over there. Or you can meet us at the Texas City Dike at 4:00. We will be around mile 4 in the beach area. The…
Join Rev. Stephanie Hughes as she leads a book discussion on Nathan Foster’s book, The Making of an Ordinary Saint: My Journey from Frustration to Joy with the Spiritual Disciplines. This discussion will be on Zoom. For a Zoom invitation, contact the church office or Rev. Hughes at