Everyone is invited to the Board of Stewards meeting on January 28. We use the One Board model for church leadership and decision-making. There is a chair of the board, plus a chair of Staff/Parish Relations, Trustees, and Finance. The at-large board members participate in all discussions of finance, SPR, and trustees. The one board…
Join us on Sunday, December 29 at 10:30 AM when we will all gather in a single worship service. This is an opportunity to worship together as the community of faith and to continue the celebration of the birth of Christ. We will have an opportunity to sing our favorite Christmas hymns. Come early for…
Join us for worship on Christmas Eve as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Our praise band will lead the music as we gathering in person in the sanctuary where we will worship with carols, candlelight and communion. We will also livestream this worship service on our YouTube channel HERE. A nursery will be provided for…
Join us for worship on Christmas Eve as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Our praise band will lead the music as we gathering in person in the sanctuary where we will worship with carols, candlelight and communion. We will also livestream this worship service on our YouTube channel HERE. A nursery will be provided for…
Join this group as we prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. We will explore the traditional themes of Peace, Hope, Love, and Joy through the lens of our Wesleyan heritage. This study will compliment Pastor Stephanie’s sermons. So even if you don’t have a bible study book, get comfy on Monday nights…
After the worship service, stay for a pot luck Christmas lunch. Everyone can contribute to the lunch. To make sure that we have a variety of dishes, please bring food according to the first letter of your last name:A-H DessertI-Q Salad or Vegetable Side DishR-Z Main Dish
During the December 22nd worship service, join us in the Treehouse for the kids’ Christmas party.
Join us on Sunday, December 22 at 10:30 AM when we will all gather in a single worship service to enjoy the Chancel Choir’s presentation of Christmas music. Then, stay for a pot luck lunch. Bring your favorite meat dish, side dish, salad, or dessert and fellowship with your St. John’s friends after the worship…
If you have been part of Dinner with Friends this fall or if you want to be part of Dinner with Friends in 2025, join us for food and fellowship on December 13. Bring some kind of finger food and a white elephant gift (gift price limit $10). We’ll have some table fellowship and then…
The College of the Mainland Vocal Arts Department under the direction of Dr. James Heffel will be presenting their Fall 2024 concert Friday, November 22 at 7:30 P.M. here at St. John’s UMC in the sanctuary. The Mainland Chorale will be putting on one of their excellent shows. Undercover A Cappella is the special guest.…