Click this link for the latest church newsletter:
Click this link for the latest church newsletter:
Good morning St. John’s family, It is Palm Sunday and today we begin our entrance into Holy Week. We will have worship services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Rev. Cindy will also be hosting a time of devotion and prayer everyday. Email Cindy at if you want to participate. She will send you…
Dear St. John’s family, Again we come together to worship within the comfort and safety of our own homes. We will continue to worship like this until we are able to safely gather. I am grateful we have the technology to continue to share in worship in times like these. We are truly blessed. And…
Dear St John’s family, The staff, Rev. Cindy Riddick and I miss being with you this morning. We all look forward to the time when we will be able to safely gather. Until that time we will continue to reach out to you through email, Facebook, phone calls, and notes in the mail. We will…
March 18, 2020 A word from the pastor: I pray that all of you are keeping yourself safe and well. These are uncertain times and we are all learning what it means when our routines and daily life are disrupted. We are learning what it means to be in community when we cannot gather together.…
Experiencing Amazing LoveSaturday, February 159:00 AM to Noon Join us for a morning of activities where you will experience amazing love. There will be activities for the whole family. You can come for an hour or stay all morning. In our sanctuary, take time to receive God’s love through prayerful activities. Walk the labyrinth, pray, reflect on scripture, or do other prayer…
St. John’s is having a day at the Bayou Wildlife Zoo in Alvin THIS Saturday, November 9th at 10:00am! We need 15 people to get the group rate which is $10 a person. Right now we have 5 people registered. Please let Jessica Dean know by Wednesday, November 6th if you and your family would like to…
We are so very excited!!! Our Fall Festival/Craft Fair is this Saturday, October 5th 10:00am – 2:00pm We will have games for the kiddos with lots of fun prizes. Make and take crafts for kiddos. Food available for purchase…hotdogs, chips, cookies and drinks. There will also be a snow cone truck here!!! Vendors, vendors, and…
Join THIS Saturday as we partner with 4B Disaster Response Network for one of their First Saturday volunteering events! Head over to to sign up! We will be working the morning shift 8:00am to 12:00pm Please sign up today and join us!!! GENERAL INFO – No experience necessary. – 4B will provide an experienced team leader…
Support Group Meeting Monday, August 5th 7:00pm Meets the first Monday of each month Contact Kay and Tom Smith or Rev. Cindy Riddick for more information. A caring ministry for families and friends of LGBTQ+ persons JOIN US FOR A Sunday of Blessing August 18th Blessing of the Back Packs Blessing of Teachers, Students, School Administrators, Bus Drivers, Support Staff and Safety…