Rooted, Growing, and Branching Out in God's Love

Good Samaritan Ministry Team

This ministry will be a joint effort between St. Johns UMC and 1st UMC Texas City. We will partner in forming a group to go out and help church members or others in our community, who are unable to help themselves, with yard work or minor home maintenance. This ministry will start with assisting widows…

Talent and Wannabe’s Show Last Night

Last night’s Talent Show was a great success! Thank you to those who shared their amazing gifts with us, and to those who volunteered behind the scenes to provide and serve the root beer floats and cookies. We had over 100 in attendance with 75 ice cream floats served.  The performers ranged in age from elementary school to Youth to senior citizens.…

New Studies Starting This Week

SMALL GROUPS New Study: “Psalms For Today” Starting Sunday, January 10th Hosted by Sunday Morning Small Group When: 9:30 am Where: Adult Classroom Leader: Golden Shook   New Study: “Presenting the Book of Revelation through Art and Music” 12-week Adult Study Starting Monday, January 11th When: 6:30 pm Where: Church Office Leader: Rev. Stephanie Hughes…