Rooted, Growing, and Branching Out in God's Love

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-May 23, 2021

Dear St. John’s Friends and Family, We hear Christ’s command to love one another.  It sounds so simple, yet it is one of the most challenging commands we have.  There are days when I want to retreat from the world, not for solitude with God or for personal growth, but to escape from the pain…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-May 16, 2021

Dear St. John’s Friends and Family, God wants to be known by you. God reveals God-self mostly in subtle ways every single day. Often we get too busy and overwhelmed and we miss these subtle messages of love. And even though God is sending these subtle messages of love, we miss them and then we…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-May 9, 2021

Dear St. John’s friends and family, I want to extend a big thank you to Rev. Cindy Riddick and St. John’s lay leader, Gary Scoggin for preparing and leading the message while I was quarantined with my family. We are all well and celebrate being back into community! Today we will take a closer look…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-May 2, 2021

Dear St. John’s Friends and Family, My childhood home had a huge tree in the front yard with sweeping long branches that lended shade. There my dad made a tire swing that was tied to one of the strong branches. At night the branches would cast shadows through my bedroom window when the moon was…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-April 25, 2021

Dear St. John’s Friends and Family, Today we continue to discover how our faith is like that of a growing tree.  Just as we are rooted in God’s love, we should also be growing together in Christ.  Rev. Cindy Riddick is preaching today about the importance of our spiritual growth, also known as our discipleship.  Disciples…

Sunday Worship-/Virtual Service-April 18, 2021

Dear St. John’s Friends and Family, The roots of a plant are the most vital part of the plant, especially for trees.  As we discovered last week, a supposed dead stump will put forth tender shoots at the sent of water because the root system is still vital.  Yet, if the root system dies, the entire…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-April 11, 2021

Dear St. John’s Friends and Family, We are a resurrection people, always living and celebrating in the Easter story. The story of God’s promise to us of eternal life with Jesus and one another. The sorrows, hardships, and even death is temporary. The Apostle Paul tells us that the strife in this world will pale…

Easter Sunday-Virtual Worship-April 4, 2021

Dear St. John’s Friends and Family, Alleluia!  Christ is Risen!!  The tomb is empty!  Praise the Lord!  When the women went to the tomb and found it to be empty, it probably felt too good to be true.  And it still feels too good to be true.  The proclamation that Jesus defeated death is amazing! …

Palm Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-March 28, 2021

Dear St. John’s friends and family, Today we celebrate Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem. Palms were waved in joy and gladness and coats were laid down in Christ’s path as homage to a king. Yet, the celebration didn’t last long. The cheers of joy that went up that day turned to malice and anger later in…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-March 21, 2021

Dear St. John’s Friends and Family, It’s so hard to stay focused on the moment when we are constantly anticipating what is to come. We are still in the season of Lent, yet we are probably getting ready for Easter with the purchases of Easter eggs and decadent chocolate bunnies. Don’t push into Easter celebration…