Rooted, Growing, and Branching Out in God's Love

Worship Bulletin for Online Service-October 3, 2021

The Sunday worship bulletin offers more than just the order of worship. Pastor Stephanie’s sermon notes are included on the back of the bulletin. We invite you participate in our many opportunities for study, service, and mission. We invite you to pray for those on our prayer list. If you would like to view the…

Generosity Devotional & Journal

Click this link to open the Generosity Devotional and Journal: Our hope is that you will use this resource in your daily devotion and prayer. There are devotionals, scriptures and places to journal each day. We are so grateful to the authors who shared their hearts and stories of generosity and faith. As you…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-September 26, 2021

Dear St. John’s friends and family, We aren’t the first people to feel like the world is going to end. The people of the Bible felt like that after the resurrection. They were pretty sure Jesus was going to come right back. Living in a fallen broken world is stressful. And whenever we are stressed…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-September 19, 2021

Dear St. John’s friends and family, We start a new sermon series today on hospitality. What does hospitality mean to you and how is it linked to Christ’s command to love?  Jesus commanded us to love our neighbor, one another and our enemy. If we are to take that seriously, how do we live that…

Sunday Worship–Virtual Worship-September 12, 2021

Dear St. John’s friends and family, God is good and greatly to be praised!  We serve and worship a God that is for us. God changes our hearts, renews our minds, and turns our life around. We all have stories that we can share with one another of a God encounter.  Once we encounter God,…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-September 5, 2021

Dear St. John’s friend and family, This is our last week of the current sermon series on Dietrich Bonhoeffer. We will take a look at the last years of his life and a part of his last written work.  More specifically on his thoughts about love and what Christ the Lord commands us to do…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-August 29, 2021

St. John’s friends and family, Last week I had the privilege to watch over a dear friend’s butterfly chrysalises and caterpillars. It’s a fairly easy task. They don’t do much until they do. One day I came home and there was a beautiful butterfly struggling at the bottom of the netted cage. She had fallen…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-August 22, 2021

Dear St. John’s Friends and Family, Today we begin taking a look at the life and writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I don’t want to say too much about it here, except we will be looking at someone who was extremely courageous in a time of extreme uncertainty. When adversity arose, he held on to his…

Sunday Worship-Virtual Service-August 15, 2021

Dear St. John’s friends and family, This is the last week for our summer sermon series. It’s back to school time!  Throughout the summer, we’ve explored what we know about God. God is present. God is more than we can imagine or expect. God is merciful. God is not like us. And this week we…